Gospel of John: Week 29
What do you think about when you hear the term resurrection? Undoubtedly for most Christians, and most people in western civilization for that matter, Jesus’ resurrection after three days in the [...]
Gospel of John: Week 28
Truthfulness is an aspect of God’s character that we cannot overlook. In a day and age when moral relativism has given way to total relativism, the idea of objectivity is becoming more [...]
Gospel of John: Week 27
John 10 includes some of the most beloved pictures of Jesus Christ. It is in John 10 that He describes Himself as the good shepherd. He then explains the various ways that He loves His sheep – [...]
Gospel of John: Week 26
In one way or another, focusing is difficult. With all the external stimuli and internal processing going on, it is amazing that humans can stay on task! Add to all that the fact that we have [...]